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JDateField and JCalendar

The JCalendar is the component that displays a small table with the 28 - 31 days of one month. User can change the month and / or the year with arrow buttons.

The day and month names are obtained from java.text.DateFormatSymbols class and they depend on the user locale.

The component has methods to set initial date and to get the selected date. All you have to do is install ActionListener to be notified about user selection. ActionEvent you will get to the listener's actionPerformed() method will contain one of the two possible commands:

  • JCalendar.SELECTED
  • JCalendar.CANCELED

and you can decide the next steps.

JDateField is the component created to edit the date values.

It contains text field to edit the date and small button on its right side. This button popups a JCalendar component to choose the date from the popup calendar.