1 | 000soft.com | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
2 | 01Download | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
3 | 01Download.net | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
4 | 1000 files | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
5 | 1000apps | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
6 | 123-Download.com | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
7 | 123-Free-Download.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
8 | 123FreeSoft | General shareware. |
9 | 1888SoftwareDownloads | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
10 | 1Load.de | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Site is in German. |
11 | 1st Security Software Center | You must set up an account and login with a password. Only software sold via RegNow/Plimus/eSellerate etc. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
12 | 1st-Download.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
13 | 2-MP3 | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
14 | 2000shareware | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
15 | 2archive.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
16 | 2p2c.com | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
17 | 3ASD | You must set up an account and login with a password. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
18 | 3D2F.COM | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
19 | 4-software-downloads.com | General shareware. |
20 | 4pcsoft | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
21 | 4Software2Download | General shareware. |
22 | 5 Star Files | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
23 | 5 Star Shareware.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. Only software sold via RegNow/Plimus/eSellerate etc. You must resubmit after every version change because they fail to periodically probe your PAD for changes. |
24 | 5Awards | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
25 | 5Cup Software | You must set up an account and login with a password. Complicated state information, difficult to automate. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
26 | 5Moons.net | General shareware. |
27 | 5StarShare.com | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
28 | 5StarSoft.com | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
29 | 8bitsoft.com | General shareware. |
30 | 8BitSoft.net | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
31 | A Free Directory | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
32 | A List Downloads | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
33 | AAAFreebies | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
34 | AB-archive | General shareware. |
35 | AB-Downloads.com | Site is in Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Ukranian. |
36 | AbabaSoft | General shareware. |
37 | AbArchive | You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
38 | ABC Submission | Payment required to list your PAD. You must set up an account and login with a password. |
39 | ABCDatos | Site is in Spanish. |
40 | AboutVideoConverter.com | General shareware. |
41 | Absolute Shareware | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
42 | Absolutely Free Software | You must set up an account and login with a password. Freeware only. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
43 | Absolutely Free Software Download Site | A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
44 | Absolutely Freebies | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
45 | AbsoluteShareware.com | Shareware only. No freeware. |
46 | Accelerated Ideas | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
47 | AcidFiles | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
48 | ActiveMerge | General shareware. |
49 | ActualDownload | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
50 | AddPrograms | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
51 | AdminFavorites.com | Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. |
52 | Advanced Seo Tools | You must set up an account and login with a password. WEB development only. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
53 | AEoid | General shareware. |
54 | AFDown.com | General shareware. |
55 | AFreeGo | Payment required to list your PAD. You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
56 | aFreeGoGold.com | Payment required to list your PAD. You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
57 | aivsoft.com | General shareware. |
58 | AlienPicks | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
59 | All Converter | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. Converters only. |
60 | All Free Download | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
61 | All Shareware Products | General shareware. |
62 | All-Freeware | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Freeware only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
63 | AllAndBest | Screensavers only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. You must resubmit after every version change because they fail to periodically probe your PAD for changes. |
64 | allapp.com | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
65 | Allen's WinAppsList | Windows only. Submit your PAD via email. |
66 | Allidown | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
67 | AllSoftShare | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
68 | AllTheSoft | Complicated state information, difficult to automate. |
69 | AllTopSoft.com | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
70 | AllWorldSoft | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
71 | Alpha Downloads | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
72 | AmazingFiles | General shareware. |
73 | AmigoAlex.com | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
74 | Anewdownload | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
75 | Annesoft | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
76 | Aol-Soft.com | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Site is in English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. |
77 | AppDown.com | General shareware. |
78 | Apponic | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
79 | Apps55 | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
80 | Appsnagar | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
81 | Appsnagar software | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
82 | AppSofts | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
83 | APTRIO | You must set up an account and login with a password. Only software sold via RegNow/Plimus/eSellerate etc. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
84 | ArchivosPC.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
85 | Ask4Files | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
86 | AskedFiles.com | General shareware. |
87 | AskFiles.com | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. Site is in English and Russian. |
88 | ASP | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
89 | ASP PAD Repository | Cannot find PAD submission page. You must set up an account and login with a password. |
90 | Asp-shareware | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
91 | AssetDevelopers | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
92 | Audio & Video Tools | You must set up an account and login with a password. Multimedia only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. They echo back the contents of the PAD and invite you to edit the fields before final submission. |
93 | Audio and Multimedia Software | Cannot find PAD submission page. You must set up an account and login with a password. Duplicate. Multimedia only. |
94 | AudioAndMultimediaSoftware | You must set up an account and login with a password. Multimedia only. |
95 | AudioVideoBox | Multimedia only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
96 | Augesoft | A backlink from your website to theirs is required. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
97 | AvaDownload | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
98 | Avi0 | Games only. Desktop enhancements only. Multimedia only. |
99 | AwardDownloads | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
100 | AwardDownloads.com | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
101 | AwardForBest | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Screensavers only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. You must resubmit after every version change because they fail to periodically probe your PAD for changes. |
102 | AwdSpot | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. They echo back the contents of the PAD and invite you to edit the fields before final submission. Site is in German. |
103 | Axipedia.com | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
104 | Best Download | Cannot find PAD submission page. It seems they don't want new programs... |
105 | Best Freeware Download | You must set up an account and login with a password. Freeware only. Linked to cnet.com. |
106 | Best Freeware Download | You must set up an account and login with a password. Freeware only. |
107 | Best Freeware.de | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. Site is in English and German. |
108 | Best-Free-Download.com | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
109 | BestInternetGames | Games only. |
110 | BestOfWeb.us | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
111 | BestSecurityTips | Security software only. |
112 | BestShareware.NET | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
113 | BestSoft4All.com | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
114 | BestSoftware4Download | General shareware. |
115 | BestSoftwareFreeDownload.com | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
116 | BestVideoSoft | Multimedia only. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
117 | BestVistaDownloads | Windows only. Windows Vista programs only. |
118 | BetterWindowsSoftware.com | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
119 | BG-Soft.net | General shareware. |
120 | BGSoft | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
121 | Bhranhastra software | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
122 | Bigg.net | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
123 | Bigload.de | Cannot find PAD submission page. You must set up an account and login with a password. Site is in German. You must contact with them via email. |
124 | Bigsofts | You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
125 | BlastDown.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
126 | BlueChillies | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
127 | BluePrograms | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
128 | Bluesfear.com | They do not accept PADs for the moment. |
129 | BlueSoftCenter | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
130 | BlueSofts.com | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
131 | Bob's Software Picks | You must resubmit after every version change because they fail to periodically probe your PAD for changes. |
132 | BoomGames | Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. Games only. |
133 | Bravodown.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
134 | BringSoftware.com | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
135 | BrotherSoft | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
136 | BumperSoft | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
137 | Business Software Reviews | Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. |
138 | Business Spreadsheets | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
139 | ButterflyFile | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
140 | BuyAllSoft | General shareware. |
141 | Byte-Flow.com | Complicated state information, difficult to automate. They require validation on the next page. |
142 | c't | You must set up an account and login with a password. Site is in German. |
143 | C-Download | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
144 | Cad tools | CAD software only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
145 | Cadinfo | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
146 | Cadinfo PR | You must set up an account and login with a password. CAD software only. |
147 | Canadian Content | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
148 | Card Casino Games | Games only. |
149 | Catalog of software | Cannot find PAD submission page. You must set up an account and login with a password. |
150 | Checkitall | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
151 | CheckItAll.de | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
152 | ChiliDownload | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
153 | CleanSofts | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
154 | CleanSofts.org | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
155 | Click2downloads | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
156 | CNet | Cannot find PAD submission page. You must set up an account and login with a password. |
157 | Codeunload | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
158 | Com-AtoZ.com | General shareware. |
159 | ComputerSoftwareDownload | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
160 | CoolScreens | Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. Screensavers only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
161 | CoolStuff.ws | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
162 | Core Download | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
163 | CriticalFiles.com | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
164 | Cuteapps | Payment required to list your PAD. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. They explicitly ask you not to use any automation in PAD submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
165 | CWZG.com | Submit URL is not found. |
166 | Cybermethexis | General shareware. |
167 | CyberSofts.net | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
168 | CyhNet | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
169 | DailyMP3 | Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. |
170 | DailySofts | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. Malicious URL blocked by antivirus on this site. |
171 | DailySoftwareBlog.com | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
172 | Dalexis | General shareware. |
173 | DaolnwoD.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
174 | DataPicks | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
175 | Dddownloads | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
176 | DeltaLoad.com | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
177 | Descargar24.com | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
178 | Desktop Screensaver | Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. Screensavers only. |
179 | Desktop Security Software | Only software sold via RegNow/Plimus/eSellerate etc. |
180 | DesktopFreewareFinder | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
181 | DesktopSoftware.info | The submit URL is not functional. |
182 | DESProject | General shareware. |
183 | Devakanya software | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
184 | DevGalaxy | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
185 | DirFile | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Freeware only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
186 | Discount Software | You must set up an account and login with a password. Only software sold via RegNow/Plimus/eSellerate etc. |
187 | Discount-Softwares.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
188 | DiscountSoftware.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. Only software sold via RegNow/Plimus/eSellerate etc. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
189 | Discoveres | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
190 | Diskounted Software | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
191 | Divx.ws | General shareware. |
192 | Dltube.net | General shareware. |
193 | Do-download | You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
194 | DoDownload | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
195 | DoubleR | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
196 | Down-Loadz.com | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
197 | DownBroad | General shareware. |
198 | DownFreeware | You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
199 | Download HTML IT | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. Site is in Italian. |
200 | Download Hungry | They stopped PAD fie submission for now. |
201 | Download Kaleidoscope | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
202 | Download Media Soft | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Multimedia only. |
203 | Download Orchad | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
204 | Download Picks | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
205 | Download Ready | General shareware. |
206 | Download Software Search | General shareware. |
207 | Download Station | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
208 | Download Your Software | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
209 | Download-Archiv.DE | You must set up an account and login with a password. Site is in English and German. |
210 | Download-Bestsoft.com | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
211 | Download-By.NET | General shareware. |
212 | Download-completed.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
213 | Download-Heaven.info | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
214 | Download-it-now.net | A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
215 | Download-Soft | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
216 | Download-Tipp.DE | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. Site is in German. |
217 | Download-Up | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
218 | download.7dod.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
219 | Download.AncySoft.com | A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
220 | Download.COM | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
221 | Download.com.sg | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
222 | Download.hn | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
223 | Download.HS-lab.com.ua | Multimedia only. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
224 | Download.Omani.ac | General shareware. |
225 | Download.Vonna.com | General shareware. |
226 | Download11 | Site is in English, French, German, Russian, Spanish and Swedish. |
227 | Download25 | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
228 | Download2pc | You must set up an account and login with a password. Site is in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. |
229 | Download2you.com | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
230 | Download3000.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
231 | Download32 | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
232 | Download3k | General shareware. |
233 | Download3k.ro | You must set up an account and login with a password. Site is in Romanian. |
234 | Download4a | General shareware. |
235 | Download4sure | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
236 | Download4You | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Only software sold via RegNow/Plimus/eSellerate etc. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
237 | Download5000.com | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
238 | Download87 | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
239 | Download99 | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
240 | DownloadAces | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
241 | DownloadAll | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. You must confirm your PAD submission by visiting a link sent via email. |
242 | DownloadAltlas | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
243 | DownloadArsivi | You must set up an account and login with a password. Site is in Turkish. |
244 | DownloadAtlas | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
245 | Downloadatoz | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
246 | DownloadBlast | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
247 | DownloadBox.com.au | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
248 | DownloadChip | You must set up an account and login with a password. Site is in Czech, Dutch, English, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Russian and Turkish. |
249 | DownloadChoice.com | General shareware. |
250 | DownloadCom | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
251 | Downloaddir | General shareware. |
252 | Downloadery | Only software sold via RegNow/Plimus/eSellerate etc. |
253 | DownloadFile.org | General shareware. |
254 | DownloadForge | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
255 | DownloadFreePrograms.org | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
256 | DownloadFreeTrial | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
257 | DownloadFrenzy | Payment required to list your PAD. You must set up an account and login with a password. |
258 | DownloadGame.us | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
259 | DownloadGet.com | Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
260 | DownloadHotFile.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
261 | DownloadHr | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
262 | DownloadHutz | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
263 | Downloadica.com | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
264 | DownloadJunction | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
265 | DownloadKO.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
266 | DownloadLocator | A backlink from your website to theirs is required. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
267 | Downloadmais | Cannot find PAD submission page. Site is in Spanish. |
268 | DownloadMais | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
269 | DownloadMB | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
270 | DownloadMegasite.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
271 | DownloadMix | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
272 | DownloadMost | You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
273 | DownloadNew | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
274 | DownloadNew.org | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
275 | DownloadNewEs | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
276 | DownloadNice | Site is in Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese and Spanish. |
277 | DownloadNow.fr | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
278 | Downloado.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
279 | DownloadOnlineSoftware.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
280 | DownloadPapa.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
281 | DownloadPick | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
282 | DownloadPipe | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
283 | DownloadPipe.com.au | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
284 | DownloadPlex | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
285 | DownloadPronet | General shareware. |
286 | DownloadRage | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
287 | DownloadRoute | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
288 | Downloadry | Freeware only. |
289 | downloads.asp-shareware | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
290 | Downloads.ba | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
291 | Downloads.RU | General shareware. |
292 | Downloads2 | General shareware. |
293 | Downloads2k | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
294 | Downloads32 | Payment required to list your PAD. You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
295 | DownloadsArchive | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
296 | DownloadsArea | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
297 | DownloadsCafe | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
298 | DownloadSea | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
299 | DownloadShareware.com | They do not accept PAD submmisions for the moment. |
300 | DownloadSoftFiles | General shareware. |
301 | DownloadSofts | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
302 | DownloadSoftware | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
303 | DownloadSoftwareTools | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
304 | Downloadsphere | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
305 | DownloadSpin | General shareware. |
306 | DownloadSpot.net | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
307 | DownloadStock | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
308 | DownloadStock | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
309 | DownloadStore | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
310 | DownloadSun | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
311 | DownloadsWorld | You must set up an account and login with a password. Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. Site is in German. |
312 | DownloadTarget | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
313 | DownloadThat | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
314 | DownloadTip | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
315 | DownloadToPC | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
316 | DownloadTube | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
317 | DownloadTyphoon | General shareware. |
318 | DownloadWasp | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
319 | DownloadWeb | You must set up an account and login with a password. Site is in German. |
320 | Downloadya | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
321 | Downloadznow | General shareware. |
322 | Downloadzpedia | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
323 | DownSeeker.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
324 | DownSoftwares | They echo back the contents of the PAD and invite you to edit the fields before final submission. |
325 | Downsw.com | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
326 | Downv | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
327 | Downzine | Payment required to list your PAD. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
328 | DVDsoft.info | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Multimedia only. Site is in German. |
329 | E-freshware | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
330 | EasyFileDownloads | General shareware. |
331 | EasyFindSoft | General shareware. |
332 | EasyFreeware.com | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Freeware only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
333 | Ecoservers.net | You must set up an account and login with a password. Games only. |
334 | EduSoftwarePrograms | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. Too slow. |
335 | EFreeDown | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
336 | EfreeDVD | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Multimedia only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
337 | Elvish.biz | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. Site is in English and Russian. |
338 | Emtyaz | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
339 | eNuffGames | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Games only. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
340 | Espanol-Software | Site is in Spanish. |
341 | Espotted | A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
342 | EUDownloads.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
343 | EuroDownload.com | General shareware. |
344 | Excessdownload | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
345 | Exe-download | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
346 | ExeFiles.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. They echo back the contents of the PAD and invite you to edit the fields before final submission. |
347 | EzeSoftware | A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
348 | EzGoal.com | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. |
349 | EZSoft.net | General shareware. |
350 | EzySoft | General shareware. |
351 | Faico | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
352 | FamilyDownload | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Games only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
353 | FamousWhy | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
354 | fast-download | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
355 | Fast-Download.info | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
356 | Fast64 | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
357 | FastShareware.com | General shareware. |
358 | FiberDownload | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
359 | File Hungry | You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
360 | File Valley.com | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
361 | File-Cart.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
362 | FileBeast.net | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
363 | FileBuzz | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
364 | FileCart | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
365 | FileCluster | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
366 | FileDish | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
367 | FileDomain | General shareware. |
368 | FileDudes | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
369 | FileEdge.com | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
370 | FileFirm | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
371 | FileFishStick | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
372 | FileFlash.com | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
373 | FileGets | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
374 | FileGiusto.net | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
375 | FileGuru | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
376 | Fileheap | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Freeware only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
377 | FileHum | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
378 | FileLight.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
379 | FileLoft.com | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Only software sold via RegNow/Plimus/eSellerate etc. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
380 | FileLook | General shareware. |
381 | FileMafia | Shareware only. No freeware. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
382 | FileMapper.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
383 | Filemiser | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
384 | FileNow.de | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. Site is in German. |
385 | FileOasis.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
386 | FileParade | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
387 | FilePicks | General shareware. |
388 | FilePlaza.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
389 | FileProfile | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
390 | Filerain | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
391 | Filerex | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
392 | FileRow.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
393 | Files Pack | A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
394 | Files Plaza | General shareware. |
395 | Files32.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
396 | FilesArchive.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
397 | FilesClub | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
398 | Filesearch.biz | General shareware. |
399 | FilesGuard.com | General shareware. |
400 | FilesHome | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
401 | FilesIncredible | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
402 | FilesLand | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
403 | FilesShareware | Complicated state information, difficult to automate. |
404 | FilesSpot | General shareware. |
405 | FileStorage.de | You must set up an account and login with a password. Site is in German. |
406 | FileSubmit | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
407 | FileSurgery | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
408 | FileSurgery.ru | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
409 | FilesWeb | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
410 | FileTara | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
411 | FileTerra.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
412 | FileTransit | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
413 | FileTrial | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
414 | Filezfound | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
415 | FinalDownload | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
416 | FinalDownload.ru | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. Site is in Russian. |
417 | FinancialShareware | Business applications only. |
418 | FindAllSoft | General shareware. |
419 | FindApp | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
420 | FindBestSoft | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
421 | FindExe.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
422 | FindFiles | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
423 | FindMySoft | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
424 | Findsoft.net | General shareware. |
425 | FindSoft.org | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
426 | FindSoftware.eu | Only software sold via RegNow/Plimus/eSellerate etc. |
427 | FindSoftwareHere | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
428 | FindSoftwareNet | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
429 | FindThatFile | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
430 | FineDownloads.info | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
431 | Fitness-Worldwide.com | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
432 | Fivesign | Malformed URL. May use JavaScript to update parameters. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
433 | FiveStarFiles.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
434 | FixIEOnline | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
435 | fixIEonline.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
436 | FlexDownload | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
437 | ForMac | Macintosh only. |
438 | ForMacDownload | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Macintosh only. |
439 | Forte Downloads | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
440 | Free Download Manager | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
441 | Free Download Software Directory | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
442 | Free Download Webzf | Freeware only. |
443 | Free Downloadable Software | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
444 | Free Downloads Center | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
445 | Free Downloads Place | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
446 | Free Gift Software Portal | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Only software sold via RegNow/Plimus/eSellerate etc. Shareware only. No freeware. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
447 | Free PDA Software | You must set up an account and login with a password. Software for PDA only. |
448 | Free Pocket PC Games | Games only. Software for PDA only. |
449 | Free Safe Soft | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
450 | Free Safe Soft | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
451 | Free Software 4 All | Submit your PAD via email. |
452 | Free Software Downloads | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
453 | Free Software Free Downloads | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
454 | Free Software Programs | General shareware. |
455 | Free Vista Files | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
456 | Free Vista Files | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
457 | Free-Download-Audio.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
458 | Free-Download-Business.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
459 | Free-Download-Development.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
460 | Free-Download-Education.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
461 | Free-download-game | Games only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
462 | Free-Download-Gamescenter.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
463 | Free-Download-Graphics.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
464 | Free-Download-Homehobby.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
465 | Free-Download-Internet.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
466 | Free-Download-Screensaver.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
467 | Free-Download-Soft.com | General shareware. |
468 | Free-Download-Software-Directory.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
469 | Free-Download-Utilities.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
470 | Free-Image-Converter.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
471 | Free-PDA-Software.com | Software for PDA only. |
472 | Free-Soft-Downloads | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
473 | Free-Software-Downloads.org | General shareware. |
474 | Free-Software-Program | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
475 | Free-To-Try.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
476 | FreeBestDownloads | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
477 | FreeBizFiles | You must set up an account and login with a password. Submit your PAD via email. |
478 | Freeddls.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
479 | FreeDownload.com.gr | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
480 | FreeDownload1.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
481 | FreeDownload3 | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
482 | FreeDownload32.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
483 | FreeDownloadAudio.com | Multimedia only. |
484 | FreeDownloadBusiness | Business applications only. |
485 | FreeDownloadDevelopment | WEB development only. |
486 | FreeDownloadEducation | Education software only. |
487 | FreeDownloadGamesCenter | Games only. |
488 | FreeDownloadGraphics | Graphics software only. |
489 | FreeDownloadHomeHobby | General shareware. |
490 | FreeDownloadInternet | General shareware. |
491 | freedownloadme | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
492 | FreeDownloadNet.com | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
493 | Freedownloadplaza | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
494 | Freedownloads.be | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
495 | FreeDownloadsArchive | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
496 | FreedownloadScreensaver | Screensavers only. |
497 | FreeDownloadsDir | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
498 | FreeDownloadSeeker | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
499 | FreeDownloadSoft.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
500 | FreeDownloadsSystem.com | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
501 | FreeDownloadUtilities | General shareware. |
502 | FreeFilesDownloads.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
503 | FreeFileSeek.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
504 | FreeFilesZone | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
505 | FreeFontsCollection | Graphics software only. |
506 | FreeFreeware.net | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
507 | FreeFunFiles.com | Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. |
508 | FreeGameBox.com | Games only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
509 | FreeNew.net | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
510 | FreePrograms | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
511 | FreeShareInfo | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
512 | FreeSharewareCenter | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
513 | FreeSharewareDepot | Only software sold via RegNow/Plimus/eSellerate etc. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
514 | FreeSoft | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
515 | FreeSoft4Down | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
516 | FreeSoftDownloads | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
517 | FreeSoftware.co.uk | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
518 | FreeSoftwareApps.com | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
519 | FreeSoftwareDownloads | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
520 | FreeSoftwareDownloadsBiz | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
521 | FreeTrialDownloads.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
522 | Freeware Arena | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
523 | Freeware Home | Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. |
524 | Freeware Palm Games | Games only. Software for PDA only. Software for PALM only. |
525 | Freeware Web | You must set up an account and login with a password. Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
526 | Freeware-and-Shareware.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. Site is in German. |
527 | Freeware-Archiv.de | Site is in German. |
528 | Freeware-Downloads | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Freeware only. |
529 | Freeware-Exchange | A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
530 | Freeware-Palm-Soft | Software for PDA only. Software for PALM only. |
531 | Freeware-Palm-Software.com | Software for PDA only. |
532 | Freeware-Palm.com | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
533 | Freeware-Soft.info | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
534 | Freeware-Spiele.de | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
535 | Freeware1.com | General shareware. |
536 | Freeware2Have.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
537 | Freeware4PC.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
538 | Freeware95.de | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Freeware only. |
539 | FreewareApp | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
540 | FreewareApp.net | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Freeware only. |
541 | FreewareBase | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. Site is in German. |
542 | FreewareBox.co.uk | A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
543 | FreewareBox.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. Freeware only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
544 | FreewareCab.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
545 | FreewareDL | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
546 | FreewareFiles | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
547 | FreewareHut | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Freeware only. |
548 | FreewareLists | You must set up an account and login with a password. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
549 | FreewareNagar | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
550 | FreewareNagar software | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
551 | FreewareNauuKiev | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
552 | FreewareNetz | You must set up an account and login with a password. Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. Site is in German. |
553 | FreeWarePages.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
554 | FreewarePalm | You must set up an account and login with a password. Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
555 | FreewarePark | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Freeware only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
556 | Freewares Z Down | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
557 | FreewareSeek | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
558 | FreewareShareNet | General shareware. |
559 | FreewareSoftwareLinks | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must confirm your PAD submission by visiting a link sent via email. |
560 | FreewareStop.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
561 | FreewareTown.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
562 | FreeWR | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
563 | FreshDevices | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
564 | FreshFolder.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
565 | FreshShare | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
566 | Frostapps | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
567 | FSSD | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
568 | FSSD | General shareware. |
569 | FTP-Soft | You must set up an account and login with a password. WEB development only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
570 | Fun Desktop | Desktop enhancements only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
571 | FunGamesPlay | Games only. |
572 | FunGamesPlaza | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
573 | Fyxm | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
574 | G-Generation | Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. Games only. |
575 | Game Album | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
576 | Game Album | Games only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
577 | Game-Searcher.com | Games only. |
578 | GameLinkage | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
579 | GameNews.ro | You must set up an account and login with a password. Games only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. Redirected to http://games.softpedia.com. |
580 | Games Software4me | Games only. |
581 | games-mac | Games only. Macintosh only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
582 | Games14 | Games only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
583 | GamesCraze | Games only. Submit your PAD via email. |
584 | GameThat.com | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
585 | GearDownload | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
586 | Geek Files | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
587 | GeneralFreeware | Freeware only. |
588 | GeneralShareware | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
589 | Get Software | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
590 | GetABest.com | General shareware. |
591 | GetABest.net | Redirected to http://downloadnew.org. |
592 | GetAllSoft | General shareware. |
593 | getexe | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
594 | GetFindFree.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. Only software sold via RegNow/Plimus/eSellerate etc. |
595 | GetFreeSofts | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
596 | GetSharewareForFree | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
597 | GetSoft | You must set up an account and login with a password. Site is in Russian. |
598 | GetSoftware | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
599 | GetYourFile.com | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
600 | GimmeCoupon | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
601 | GoDownload.ro | You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
602 | GoldSofts | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
603 | GoLoads | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
604 | GonnaSoft | Cannot find PAD submission page. Only software sold via RegNow/Plimus/eSellerate etc. |
605 | GooDownload.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. Only software sold via RegNow/Plimus/eSellerate etc. |
606 | GoSoftGo.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
607 | Govnocode.com | Submission page returns fatal error. |
608 | Grail It! | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
609 | Gratters | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
610 | GSMFavorites.com | Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. Windows only. |
611 | GTdownload | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
612 | GudangFiles.com | A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
613 | HAM Software Archive | General shareware. |
614 | HandyArchive | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
615 | Handypedia | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
616 | HaveFiles.com | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
617 | Hdttp | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
618 | Helpdesk-Software.org | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. |
619 | Hit-Software.Info | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
620 | HoDownload | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
621 | Hot-Download.com | Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. |
622 | Hot-Shareware.com | Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. |
623 | Hot4Download.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. Links on this site are dead. |
624 | HotDownloads.org | Submit URL does not work. |
625 | hoteXe | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
626 | HotLib | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Windows only. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. no screensavers or wallpaper |
627 | HotScripts | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
628 | HotSoft32 | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
629 | Hotwinfiles.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
630 | HotWorldSoftwares | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
631 | HowToCentral | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
632 | HowToCentral.net | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
633 | Htwares | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
634 | Icon-Sets.com | Icon tools only. |
635 | iDownload.WS | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
636 | iFreeware Downloads | Freeware only. |
637 | Ilovedownload | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
638 | ImacSoftware | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
639 | ImFreeware | Freeware only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
640 | Indiankey | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
641 | Info Hslab | A backlink from your website to theirs is required. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
642 | InfoNauuKiev | You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
643 | Instalki.eu | You must set up an account and login with a password. In Polish. |
644 | Inter-Search | General shareware. |
645 | Internet Software House | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
646 | IpadSoftOnline | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
647 | IphoneTopc | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
648 | iPhoneToPC.net | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
649 | IPodTouchToComputer | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
650 | Iravatham | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
651 | Iravatham software | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
652 | iShareSoft.net | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
653 | ISoftDownload | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Multimedia only. Only software sold via RegNow/Plimus/eSellerate etc. |
654 | ISoftPedia.com | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
655 | ITILFoundations.com | Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
656 | ItShareware.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
657 | Ivertech | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
658 | Izone | Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. Site is in Russian. Description must be in Russian only. |
659 | JavaShareware | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
660 | JokerFiles.com | Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. Site is in German. Redirected to http://www.winsoftware.de. |
661 | JordySoft | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
662 | Justdosoft | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
663 | JustDownloadSite | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
664 | Kafeidian.info | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
665 | KeyDownloads | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
666 | Khoahocphothong | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
667 | Khoahocphothong.net | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
668 | KingDownloads | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
669 | km36.com | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
670 | Kooksoft | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Complicated state information, difficult to automate. |
671 | Laptop-Downloads | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
672 | LastDownload | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
673 | Late Files | Cannot find PAD submission page. You must set up an account and login with a password. |
674 | LatestDownloads | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
675 | LatestFreeware | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
676 | LatestFreeware.net | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
677 | Lawyerment.com | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
678 | Lawyerment.com.my | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
679 | Lemon | You must set up an account and login with a password. Site is in Portuguese. |
680 | LemonFiles | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Only software sold via RegNow/Plimus/eSellerate etc. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
681 | LenoDown | A backlink from your website to theirs is required. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
682 | LeoFiles | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
683 | Lifetimeupgrades.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
684 | LikeDVD.com | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. DVD and audio only |
685 | LisiSoft | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
686 | Listshareware | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
687 | LiteFile | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
688 | LMPhotonics | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
689 | LoadFree | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
690 | LoadFree.info | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
691 | Loady.DE | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. Site is in German. |
692 | Logiciels.me | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
693 | LQKO | General shareware. |
694 | M-BestSoftware.com | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
695 | M66M.org | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
696 | Mac-iPhone-iPod.com | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
697 | MacFiles.org | Macintosh only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
698 | MACshareware | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Macintosh only. |
699 | MacUpdate | You must set up an account and login with a password. Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. Macintosh only. |
700 | Mahesys | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
701 | MainDot | Cannot find PAD submission page. You must set up an account and login with a password. |
702 | MajorGeeks | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
703 | Manage.rbytes.net | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
704 | Mapistore | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Software for PDA only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
705 | MaxxDownload | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
706 | Mayzer.com | Multimedia only. |
707 | Megagiciel | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
708 | MegaSoft | You must set up an account and login with a password. Site is in Russian. |
709 | MegaUpload | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
710 | MegaUpload-com.info | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
711 | Messaging Software | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
712 | Meta Downloads | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
713 | MGGY.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
714 | Micro-Soft.ru | You must set up an account and login with a password. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
715 | MightyFiles.com | Submit your PAD via email. |
716 | Mioot | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
717 | Mioot | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
718 | MiriSoftware.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
719 | Mlbsoft | General shareware. |
720 | MobilieSftStore.com | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Software for PDA only. You must resubmit after every version change because they fail to periodically probe your PAD for changes. |
721 | ModelAdvisor.com | Submit your PAD via email. |
722 | Monitor-Tools.com | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. Monitoring and security software only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
723 | MP3CDSoftware | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
724 | mp3machine.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
725 | Mp3Starfish.com | General shareware. |
726 | MP4kits.com | General shareware. |
727 | MPEGX | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
728 | MSExchange.org | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. |
729 | MultimediaFeed | You must set up an account and login with a password. Multimedia only. |
730 | Musicians Network | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Multimedia only. |
731 | Musthavesoft | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
732 | Mvbbb | General shareware. |
733 | My Download Planet | General shareware. |
734 | My Media Player | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
735 | My Sharewares | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
736 | My System Security | You must set up an account and login with a password. Monitoring and security software only. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
737 | My-Game-Download.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
738 | My-Install | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
739 | MyFilesNet | General shareware. |
740 | MyFreewares | Freeware only. |
741 | MySharewares | Shareware only. No freeware. |
742 | MySoft | You must set up an account and login with a password. Site is in Russian. |
743 | MySoftReview | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
744 | MySoftsearch | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. You must resubmit after every version change because they fail to periodically probe your PAD for changes. |
745 | MySoftwareList | You must confirm your PAD submission by visiting a link sent via email. |
746 | MyTopSoft.com | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. You must resubmit after every version change because they fail to periodically probe your PAD for changes. |
747 | MyWebMemo.com | Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. |
748 | MyZips.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
749 | Nagar | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
750 | NebulaFreeware | Freeware only. |
751 | NebulaShareware | Shareware only. No freeware. |
752 | Necromancers | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
753 | Necromancers Software Collection | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
754 | NeedMoreShareware.com | Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. |
755 | Netanya | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
756 | NetLinkz4u | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
757 | NetMatrix | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
758 | Netware.biz | You must set up an account and login with a password. Login does not work. |
759 | NetworkIce.com | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
760 | Networking Files | Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
761 | Networkmosaic | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
762 | New.Software-Utilities | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
763 | NewDownload.com | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
764 | NewestSoft Ru | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
765 | NewestSoft.com | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
766 | NewFreeDownloads.com | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
767 | NewFreeware.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. You must set up an account and login with a password. Only software sold via RegNow/Plimus/eSellerate etc. |
768 | Newsoft4you | Malformed URL. May use JavaScript to update parameters. |
769 | NewSoftwareUtilities | A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
770 | NewToolz.com | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
771 | NextDownload | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
772 | NextDownload.net | They do not accept PAD submmissions for the moment. |
773 | NovellShareware | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Windows only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
774 | NPWare.org | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
775 | OfficeAddins | You must set up an account and login with a password. Windows only. Submit your PAD via email. Tool for MS Office applications or Internet Explorer. |
776 | OfficeLoad.com | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
777 | OfficialSoft | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
778 | Ohaysoft.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
779 | OhFree.us | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
780 | OneSoftwareWay | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
781 | Only Screen Savers | Screensavers only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
782 | OnlyFreeSoft | Macintosh only. Windows only. Freeware only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
783 | OnlyFreewares.com | Freeware only. |
784 | OpenNet | Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. Unix only. Site is in Russian. |
785 | OpenScreensaver | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
786 | OpenSourceDownload | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
787 | OpenSourceDownload | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
788 | OurForge | You must set up an account and login with a password. Freeware only. |
789 | OzySoftware | General shareware. |
790 | Pad Downloads | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
791 | PAD Library.com | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
792 | PAD-Site-Scripts DEMO | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
793 | PADDatabase | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
794 | PadDatabase.ru | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
795 | PadDB | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
796 | PadFiles.net | Cannot find PAD submission page. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. They just register companies. |
797 | PadFM.com | General shareware. |
798 | PadRepository.com | General shareware. |
799 | PadRing | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
800 | PadSubmit.net | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
801 | PADTube.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
802 | Paknaz | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
803 | PandaFiles.com | General shareware. |
804 | Pass The Shareware | Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. |
805 | Paul's Picks | General shareware. |
806 | PCFreunde.de | You must set up an account and login with a password. Site is in German. |
807 | PCHome | Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. Site is in German. |
808 | PCWin | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
809 | Pda-Palm.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
810 | Pda-PPC.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
811 | PDAStreet.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
812 | PeachSeed.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
813 | PerfectDownloads | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
814 | Peter Rudin-Burgess | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
815 | Peterburgess | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
816 | Phanmemhay | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
817 | PickFiles | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
818 | PickSoftware.co.uk | A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
819 | Place77 | A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
820 | PlanetCert.com | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
821 | PlanetSofts | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
822 | playgamers | Games only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
823 | PlayingWeb | Malformed URL. May use JavaScript to update parameters. You must set up an account and login with a password. Games only. |
824 | Plenty of Software | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
825 | PlentyOfSoft | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
826 | PlusPro | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
827 | Pocket PC Freeware | Cannot find PAD submission page. Software for PDA only. |
828 | Pocket-PC-Freeware.com | General shareware. |
829 | PocketPC Software Downloads | You must set up an account and login with a password. Software for PDA only. |
830 | PocketPC Software Downloads | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
831 | PocketPCCity | General shareware. |
832 | PopScript.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
833 | Prem1on | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
834 | Prg Download | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Site is in Turkish. |
835 | PrivacyFirewall.com | Only software sold via RegNow/Plimus/eSellerate etc. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
836 | Program Files | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
837 | ProgramArsivi | Cannot find PAD submission page. Site is in Turkish. |
838 | Programmers Heaven | Cannot find PAD submission page. WEB development only. |
839 | ProgrammersHeaven.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
840 | ProgrammiGratis (Italian) | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. Site is in Italian. |
841 | ProgramsBase | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
842 | ProgramsCom | Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. Site is in Russian. |
843 | ProgramsData | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
844 | ProgramsDB.com | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
845 | ProgramTR.net | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
846 | ProgramURL | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
847 | PrometricsSoftware | You must set up an account and login with a password. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
848 | ProScreensavers | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
849 | ProSoft ShareSpot | General shareware. |
850 | Prosoftix.com | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
851 | Prosoftware | Cannot find PAD submission page. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
852 | Prosoftware.org | A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
853 | Publish-Me | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
854 | Qarchive | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
855 | Qdyu.com | General shareware. |
856 | Qeasoft | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
857 | Qtdd | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
858 | QuestsHopper | They echo back the contents of the PAD and invite you to edit the fields before final submission. |
859 | Qweas | A backlink from your website to theirs is required. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
860 | R63 | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
861 | R63.org | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
862 | RapidDownloading | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
863 | RapidSharecom | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
864 | RarZipFree | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
865 | Rbytes | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
866 | ReadersSoft | Education software only. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
867 | Recovery Review | General shareware. |
868 | redsofts.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
869 | ReleaseDownload | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
870 | RESOURCEdb | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
871 | ResourceFill | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
872 | RetailerDeals | General shareware. |
873 | Review World | Cannot find PAD submission page. Macintosh only. |
874 | Review-World.com | General shareware. |
875 | ReviewNow | Malformed URL. May use JavaScript to update parameters. You must set up an account and login with a password. |
876 | Reviewsoft | Cannot find PAD submission page. Site is in Russian. |
877 | ReviewSoft | You must set up an account and login with a password. Site is in Russian. |
878 | RifcoMobile | Software for PDA only. |
879 | RobotLancer.co.cc | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
880 | RocketDownload | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
881 | RosoftDownload | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
882 | RoxySoft | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
883 | RpgWorld | Cannot find PAD submission page. Games only. |
884 | RpgWorld | Games only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
885 | Rqdl | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
886 | Run2.ws Downloads | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
887 | Run2.ws Downloads | General shareware. |
888 | Runterladen | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. Site is in German. |
889 | SafeFreeDownloads.com | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
890 | SafeFreeSoftware | General shareware. |
891 | SafeFreeSoftwareDownload.com | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
892 | Saverpit | You must set up an account and login with a password. Screensavers only. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
893 | Science Vitolab | Freeware only. |
894 | Scientific and educational software | Education software only. |
895 | ScreensaverFiles | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Screensavers only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
896 | ScreensaverFine.com | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
897 | ScreensaversList | You must set up an account and login with a password. Screensavers only. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
898 | ScriptDiscovery | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
899 | ScriptsShack | General shareware. |
900 | SearchAllSoft | General shareware. |
901 | SearchAnySoft | General shareware. |
902 | SearchDone.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
903 | SearchForSoft | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
904 | SearchSomeSoft | General shareware. |
905 | SeaSofts | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
906 | Security Software Zone.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
907 | SecurityWonks.net | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
908 | Seek4Software.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
909 | SeekFreeware.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
910 | Sembrarpaz | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
911 | SerialDownload | A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
912 | SerialDownloads.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
913 | ServerFiles.com | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
914 | Setup Group | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
915 | SevenFreeware.com | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
916 | SftStore | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
917 | Shafka | Payment required to list your PAD. You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Windows only. |
918 | ShaFree | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
919 | Share the Ware | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
920 | Share3000 | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
921 | Share32 | General shareware. |
922 | ShareApp | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
923 | ShareApple | General shareware. |
924 | Shareme | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
925 | SharePick.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
926 | Shareseek | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
927 | ShareSoftware.info | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
928 | ShareSoftware24 | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
929 | ShareSoon.com | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
930 | Shareto.com | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
931 | ShareTool | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
932 | ShareUp | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
933 | Sharevalid | General shareware. |
934 | Shareware Comet | A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
935 | Shareware Etcetera | Windows only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
936 | Shareware Junkies | General shareware. |
937 | Shareware List | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
938 | Shareware Promotion | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
939 | Shareware River | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
940 | Shareware Shuttle | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
941 | Shareware Viking | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
942 | Shareware-Box.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
943 | Shareware-By.net | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
944 | Shareware-Freeware-Demo.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
945 | Shareware-Seek.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
946 | Shareware.eu | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
947 | Shareware.my | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
948 | Shareware.vg | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
949 | Shareware.Webege.com | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
950 | Shareware2Have.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
951 | Shareware32Soft | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
952 | Shareware4U | You must set up an account and login with a password. Site is in German. |
953 | Shareware4u | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. Site is in German. |
954 | Shareware4web | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
955 | Shareware54 | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
956 | SharewareABC | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
957 | SharewareApplications.com | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
958 | SharewareBay | General shareware. |
959 | SharewareCentral | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
960 | SharewareCheap | General shareware. |
961 | SharewareConnection | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
962 | Sharewared | General shareware. |
963 | SharewareDepot | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
964 | SharewareDownloads | Cannot find PAD submission page. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
965 | SharewareDownloads | A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
966 | SharewareDownloads.biz | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
967 | SharewareFiles | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
968 | SharewareFiles.net | General shareware. |
969 | SharewareGuide | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
970 | SharewareGuide.net | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
971 | SharewareHunter | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
972 | SharewareIsland | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
973 | SharewareJunction | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
974 | Sharewarelair | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
975 | SharewareLinks.com | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
976 | Sharewaremarket | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
977 | SharewareNagar | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
978 | SharewareNagar software | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
979 | SharewarePages | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
980 | SharewarePalm | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
981 | SharewarePara | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. Site is in German. |
982 | SharewarePlaza | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. They echo back the contents of the PAD and invite you to edit the fields before final submission. You must resubmit after every version change because they fail to periodically probe your PAD for changes. |
983 | SharewareStar | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Only software sold via RegNow/Plimus/eSellerate etc. |
984 | SharewareTown | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
985 | SharewareUp | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
986 | SharewareUpdate | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
987 | Sharewareville | General shareware. |
988 | SharewareWire.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
989 | SharewareWorld.de | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. Site is in German. |
990 | Sharkdownload | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
991 | SharpMindGames | Malformed URL. May use JavaScript to update parameters. Games only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
992 | ShopLagom | General shareware. |
993 | sietSell.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
994 | Simtel | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
995 | Site-Tool.net | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
996 | Site14.com | Payment required to list your PAD. You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
997 | Ska4ay.RU | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. Site is in Russian. |
998 | Sloppi | You must set up an account and login with a password. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
999 | Small Freeware | Cannot find PAD submission page. Freeware only. |
1000 | SmallFreeware.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1001 | SmallShareware | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1002 | Smart Downloads | General shareware. |
1003 | Smartcode | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
1004 | SMSSolutions.net | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1005 | SnapFiles | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1006 | SofoTech.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1007 | Sofotex | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1008 | Soft 4 Barter | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1009 | Soft Buzz | They echo back the contents of the PAD and invite you to edit the fields before final submission. |
1010 | Soft Files | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1011 | Soft Go | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
1012 | Soft Maximum | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1013 | Soft Recipe | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1014 | Soft Web Ware | Cannot find PAD submission page. WEB development only. |
1015 | Soft-Album.com | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1016 | Soft-All-Ware | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1017 | Soft-Audio-Ware | General shareware. |
1018 | Soft-Business-Ware | Business applications only. |
1019 | Soft-db | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1020 | Soft-Desktop-Ware | Desktop enhancements only. |
1021 | Soft-Files.com | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
1022 | Soft-Free-Ware | Freeware only. |
1023 | Soft-Home-Ware | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1024 | Soft-Internet-Ware | General shareware. |
1025 | Soft-Mobile | Software for PDA only. |
1026 | Soft-Multimedia-Ware | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1027 | Soft-Programming-Ware | WEB development only. |
1028 | Soft-SHARE-ware | Shareware only. No freeware. Freeware only. |
1029 | Soft-Utility-Ware | Utilities only. |
1030 | Soft-Video-Ware | General shareware. |
1031 | Soft-Ware.net | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1032 | Soft-Web-Ware.com | General shareware. |
1033 | Soft.EasyHTools | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
1034 | Soft.Sharevalid.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
1035 | Soft.Snowcron.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1036 | Soft112 | General shareware. |
1037 | Soft124 | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
1038 | Soft14 | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1039 | Soft20.com | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1040 | Soft29 | Submit your PAD via email. |
1041 | Soft2Download | You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
1042 | Soft32 | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1043 | Soft32.us | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
1044 | Soft321 | A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1045 | Soft32Download | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
1046 | Soft37 | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1047 | Soft3k.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1048 | Soft4buy | General shareware. |
1049 | Soft4PC.info | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1050 | Soft4phones | Cannot find PAD submission page. Software for PDA only. |
1051 | Soft4Sale | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
1052 | Soft4us | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1053 | Soft5000 | A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1054 | Soft62 software | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
1055 | Soft72 | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1056 | Soft777.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1057 | Soft82 | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1058 | Soft93 | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1059 | Softahead | Only software sold via RegNow/Plimus/eSellerate etc. Shareware only. No freeware. |
1060 | Softak | Games only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1061 | SoftAles | Cannot find PAD submission page. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1062 | Softalizer | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1063 | SoftAlternative | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1064 | SoftAnalyser | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1065 | SOFTANDCO | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1066 | Softarea51.com | Submit your PAD via email. |
1067 | SoftArmy | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
1068 | SoftAspect | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1069 | SoftAward | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1070 | SoftBay.co.uk | A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1071 | SoftBegin.net | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1072 | Softbroad | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1073 | SoftBuz.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1074 | SoftCab | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
1075 | SoftCatalog.org | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1076 | SoftChecker.com | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1077 | Softcluster | A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1078 | SoftCns.com | Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. They echo back the contents of the PAD and invite you to edit the fields before final submission. |
1079 | SoftCourier | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1080 | SoftCrave | General shareware. |
1081 | SoftCredible | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1082 | SoftCrown | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
1083 | SoftD.com | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1084 | SoftDepia | Only software sold via RegNow/Plimus/eSellerate etc. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1085 | SoftDesk.net | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1086 | Softdic | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1087 | SoftDiscovery.com | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1088 | Softdll | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1089 | Softdown88 | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1090 | SoftDownloadNow | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1091 | Softducks | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
1092 | Softee | Freeware only. |
1093 | SoftEmpire | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1094 | Softepic | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1095 | SoftFiles.us | General shareware. |
1096 | SoftForAll | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
1097 | SoftForSale | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1098 | SoftFreeDownload | Submit your PAD via email. |
1099 | Softgames88 | You must set up an account and login with a password. Games only. |
1100 | Softgaruda software | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1101 | SoftGeek.net | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1102 | Softgeeks | General shareware. |
1103 | Softgp | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1104 | Softgyd | A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1105 | SoftHello.com | You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
1106 | Softholm | Site is in Russian. |
1107 | Softizer | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1108 | Softjie | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1109 | Softjoyti software | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1110 | SoftKanya | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1111 | Softkirti.com software | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1112 | Softkrish.com software | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1113 | SoftLandMark | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
1114 | SoftList | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1115 | SoftList.net | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1116 | Softlist.ws | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1117 | SoftList.ws | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. Site is in German. |
1118 | Softlisting | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1119 | SoftListRu | Site is in Russian. |
1120 | SoftLokam | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1121 | SoftLookup.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1122 | SoftLow.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1123 | Softmahe.com software | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1124 | SoftMain.net | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1125 | Softmani.com software | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1126 | SoftManya.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1127 | Softmayoor.com software | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1128 | SoftMegaCity | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1129 | SoftMerge.com | General shareware. |
1130 | SoftMitra | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1131 | SoftMont | General shareware. |
1132 | SoftMost | A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1133 | SoftNagar | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
1134 | SoftNagar software | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1135 | Softodown | A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1136 | SoftOk | You must set up an account and login with a password. Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. Site is in Russian. |
1137 | Softonic | You must set up an account and login with a password. Site is in Spanish. |
1138 | softonic | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1139 | Softonic.ro | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1140 | SoftOnion Downloads | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
1141 | Softows.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1142 | Softoxi | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1143 | SoftPandora | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1144 | SoftPani | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1145 | Softpedia | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
1146 | SoftPedia Games | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Games only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1147 | SoftPendium.com | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1148 | Softpick.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1149 | SoftPicks.NET | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1150 | Softpile | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1151 | Softplatz | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1152 | SoftPlatzNet | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1153 | Softportal | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Site is in Russian. |
1154 | Softpras.com software | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1155 | SoftRaju | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1156 | SoftReview.cn | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1157 | Softs1 | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1158 | Softs43.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1159 | Softs9 | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1160 | SoftsArchive | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1161 | Softsay | Cannot find PAD submission page. Only software sold via RegNow/Plimus/eSellerate etc. |
1162 | SoftsDB | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1163 | SoftSea | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
1164 | Softshed | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
1165 | Softsia | Malformed URL. May use JavaScript to update parameters. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
1166 | Softsilo | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
1167 | SoftsLand.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1168 | SoftsList | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1169 | SoftSpecialist.com | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
1170 | SoftTester.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1171 | SoftUpdates | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
1172 | SoftUpLoads | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1173 | SoftUtopia.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1174 | Softvarsha.com Software | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1175 | SoftViewer | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1176 | SoftVoile | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1177 | Software AbsoluteWay.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1178 | Software Archives | General shareware. |
1179 | Software Commercials | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1180 | Software Daemon | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1181 | Software Daemon | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1182 | Software Dungeon | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1183 | Software Inovation | Cannot find PAD submission page. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1184 | Software IT Pimp | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1185 | Software Vault | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1186 | Software-Ace.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1187 | Software-by-Richard.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1188 | Software-download-free | Only software sold via RegNow/Plimus/eSellerate etc. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
1189 | Software-For-Windows.com | Malformed URL. May use JavaScript to update parameters. |
1190 | Software-For.com | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1191 | Software-Inovation.com | A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1192 | Software-Locator | General shareware. |
1193 | Software-Locker.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1194 | Software-Matrix | General shareware. |
1195 | Software-Tools.org | Malformed URL. May use JavaScript to update parameters. |
1196 | Software-Utilities.net | You must set up an account and login with a password. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1197 | Software.66c.com | Malformed URL. May use JavaScript to update parameters. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
1198 | Software.Hellospace.net | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1199 | Software.idv.hk | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1200 | Software.ITPiMP.net | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1201 | Software112 | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
1202 | Software2Have.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1203 | Software44.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1204 | Software4fun | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Games only. Site is in German. |
1205 | Software4pc.ru | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. Site is in Russian. |
1206 | Software4sure | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1207 | Software4Windows7.com | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1208 | SoftwareAbyss | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1209 | SoftwareAdda.com | General shareware. |
1210 | SoftwareArchives | A backlink from your website to theirs is required. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
1211 | SoftwareArea.co.uk | A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1212 | SoftwareArray | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1213 | SoftwareBag.co.uk | A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1214 | SoftwareBazar | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1215 | SoftwareBusters.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1216 | SoftwareCheckout | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
1217 | SoftwareCommercials | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1218 | SoftwareCoupons | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
1219 | SoftwareCrown.com | General shareware. |
1220 | SoftwareDirectory4u | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1221 | SoftwareDom | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1222 | SoftwareDownload Me | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
1223 | SoftwareDownloadPoint.com | A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1224 | SoftwareDownloadPro | A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1225 | Softwaredownloads | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1226 | Softwaredownloads.org | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1227 | SoftwareDownloadsFree.net | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1228 | SoftwareDownloadSource.com | General shareware. |
1229 | SoftwareFinalDownload | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
1230 | SoftwareForums.ORG | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1231 | SoftwareForWindows.com | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1232 | SoftwareGeek | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
1233 | SoftwareHorizon.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1234 | SoftwareIndex.org | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1235 | Softwarej | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1236 | softwarekb.com | General shareware. |
1237 | SoftwareKorner.com | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1238 | SoftwareList | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1239 | Softwarelister | A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1240 | SoftwareLode | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. You must confirm your PAD submission by visiting a link sent via email. |
1241 | SoftwareMania | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1242 | SoftwareMania.net | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1243 | SoftwareMASS | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1244 | SoftwareNagar software | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
1245 | SoftwarePilot.net | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1246 | SoftwarePlaz | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
1247 | SoftwarePod.com | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1248 | Softwarepost | Cannot find PAD submission page. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1249 | SoftwarePost.net | A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1250 | SoftwareReviews | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
1251 | SoftwaresDownload.org | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1252 | SoftwareSizzle.com | General shareware. |
1253 | SoftwaresPapa | You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
1254 | SoftwareStock | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1255 | SoftwareStock.net | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1256 | SoftwareSummary | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1257 | SoftwareTAG | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1258 | SoftwareTipsPalace | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1259 | SoftwareTipsPalace | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1260 | SoftwareTreasureChest.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1261 | Softwareul.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1262 | Softwarewagon | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1263 | SoftwareWin.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1264 | SoftWebsNepal | General shareware. |
1265 | SoftWeek.info | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1266 | SoftWorld | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1267 | SoftwZone.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1268 | Softzu | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1269 | Sooftware.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1270 | Sosej | Payment required to list your PAD. You must set up an account and login with a password. Site is in Czech. |
1271 | SpanishSoftware | A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1272 | Spenglish.com.cn | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1273 | SprintDownload.com | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1274 | StanleyHero | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1275 | StinkyThing | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1276 | StreetStatus.net | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1277 | Stroud's CWSApps | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1278 | StyleXP 3x | General shareware. |
1279 | SubmitFile.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1280 | SubmitTools.net | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
1281 | SuccessScripts.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1282 | SuggestSoft | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1283 | Sulekhi software | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
1284 | SunnyDownload | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
1285 | SupaScripts | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
1286 | Super Web Hunt | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
1287 | SuperDownloads | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1288 | Superdownloads.BR | You must set up an account and login with a password. Site is in Portuguese. |
1289 | SuperDownloads.uol.com.br | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1290 | SuperFiles.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1291 | SuperFolder.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. They echo back the contents of the PAD and invite you to edit the fields before final submission. |
1292 | SuperShareware | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
1293 | Surfpack | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1294 | Sw Club | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1295 | SWDB.net | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1296 | Swest.ro | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1297 | SWFTools | Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1298 | Swhound | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1299 | SwissListe.ch | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1300 | SystemAndSecurity.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. Only software sold via RegNow/Plimus/eSellerate etc. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1301 | Techbetas | Submit your PAD via email. |
1302 | TechSofts.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1303 | Techwoods | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
1304 | TecnoTemia | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. Site is in English. |
1305 | Telechargeons | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
1306 | Telechargeons | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1307 | Telecharger | Site is in French. |
1308 | TelechargerGratuit | You must set up an account and login with a password. Site is in French. |
1309 | TerraGame | Games only. Windows only. Shareware only. No freeware. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
1310 | The Software Corner | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1311 | TheBestSoft.com | Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. |
1312 | TheGeekFiles.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1313 | TheGioiSungSuong.com | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1314 | TheNetsGreatest | Payment required to list your PAD. You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. They want $15 to list. |
1315 | Theorem5 | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Only software sold via RegNow/Plimus/eSellerate etc. Freeware only. |
1316 | ThePCFriends.com | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
1317 | TheSharewareFile | A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1318 | TheSoftDownload | A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1319 | TheSourceBox.co.cc | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
1320 | Thoosje.net | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1321 | TipCase.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1322 | TipDownload | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1323 | TodayLoad | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1324 | Todayware | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. |
1325 | TomDownload.com | Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. |
1326 | TooCharger | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. Site is in French. |
1327 | Tool32.com | General shareware. |
1328 | Tools 4 Download | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1329 | Tools4Download | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1330 | Top Quality Freeware | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1331 | Top-Download.DE | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. Site is in German. |
1332 | Top-Shareware.NET | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1333 | Top4Download | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1334 | TopDesktop | Malformed URL. May use JavaScript to update parameters. Submit your PAD via email. |
1335 | TopDownload24 | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1336 | TopDownloads | Payment required to list your PAD. You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1337 | TopFreeSoftware.org | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1338 | TopMediaTools | Multimedia only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1339 | TopShareHere.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1340 | TopShareware | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1341 | TopSharewareDownloads.com | General shareware. |
1342 | TopSoft | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1343 | TopSoftGo | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
1344 | Total Shareware | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1345 | TrafficStatistic.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1346 | Trial-Files.com | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1347 | TrialFiles | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1348 | Trialme | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1349 | Trialr | You must set up an account and login with a password. Shareware only. No freeware. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1350 | Trialware.biz | General shareware. |
1351 | TrinityFiles | General shareware. |
1352 | TripleDownload | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1353 | TrueSoft | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1354 | TryingBuying | General shareware. |
1355 | TryProfit.com | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1356 | Tsm Soft | Cannot find PAD submission page. Payment required to list your PAD. Freeware only. |
1357 | TSMSoft | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1358 | Tucows | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1359 | Tufoxy | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1360 | TumpWare | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1361 | TuttoDownload | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. Site is in Italian. |
1362 | TverSoft | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1363 | Two Brothers Software | General shareware. |
1364 | TwoBrothersSoftware | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1365 | TX6 | Cannot find PAD submission page. |
1366 | TX6 | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1367 | tx6.org | General shareware. |
1368 | TypicalFreeware | Freeware only. |
1369 | TypicalShareware | Shareware only. No freeware. Freeware only. |
1370 | UcHappy | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. Games only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1371 | UKSoftwareDownloads.co.uk | Cannot find PAD submission page. Duplicate. Only software sold via RegNow/Plimus/eSellerate etc. |
1372 | UltimateSofts.com | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1373 | UltraSoftwareDownloads.com | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1374 | UnionDownload.com | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1375 | Uniqueidea.net | General shareware. |
1376 | Unisofts | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1377 | UnlimitedFreeDownloads.net | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1378 | UnlimitedPCDownloads.com | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1379 | Upload | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Complicated state information, difficult to automate. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. Site is in German. |
1380 | UrlFile | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
1381 | USBSpace.com | This site seems not to be fully functional. |
1382 | Uuucom | General shareware. |
1383 | Vadino | General shareware. |
1384 | VideoSoftwareDirect | Multimedia only. |
1385 | Vipcodigo.com.br | Cannot find PAD submission page. This site seems not to be functional. |
1386 | Vista Downloadz | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1387 | Vista Files | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1388 | VistaArchiv.de | Windows only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. Site is in German. |
1389 | VistaFiles.eu | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1390 | VistafilesOrg | Cannot find PAD submission page. You must set up an account and login with a password. submit via http://www.qarchive.org/developer/ |
1391 | VistaFreeware.com | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1392 | Ware23 | General shareware. |
1393 | Waredaddy | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1394 | WareSeeker.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
1395 | Wareshare | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
1396 | WareShare | You must set up an account and login with a password. Complicated state information, difficult to automate. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1397 | WareZone.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1398 | We-download | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1399 | Web Hot Link | Payment required to list your PAD. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1400 | WebbyTools.com | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
1401 | WebClickCounter.com | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1402 | WebHosting Files | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
1403 | WebJava.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
1404 | Webmaster Resources | Cannot find PAD submission page. No chance to add new software. |
1405 | WebMasterFree.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. WEB development only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1406 | Webscriptexpert Exchange | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
1407 | WebSoftwareList.com | Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. WEB development only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1408 | Wersoft | General shareware. |
1409 | WestDownload | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1410 | WhereMySoft | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. You must resubmit after every version change because they fail to periodically probe your PAD for changes. |
1411 | Willemssoft.be | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1412 | Win Printing | You must set up an account and login with a password. They echo back the contents of the PAD and invite you to edit the fields before final submission. Printing software only. |
1413 | Win2000Archiv.de | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. Site is in German. |
1414 | Win32x.com | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
1415 | Win7app.com | You must set up an account and login with a password. Windows only. |
1416 | Win7dwnld | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Windows only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. Windows 7 only. |
1417 | Win7Freeware | Windows only. Freeware only. Windows 7 only. |
1418 | Win7programs | Windows only. Shareware only. No freeware. Windows 7 only. |
1419 | WinArchivDe | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. Site is in German. |
1420 | WinByteDe | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Site is in German. |
1421 | WinByteNet | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
1422 | WinColors | Windows only. |
1423 | WindFile.com | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1424 | Windows-Downloads.com | Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. Complicated state information, difficult to automate. Each category holds up to 100 programs. When a new program is added, if the category has 100 entries, the oldest will drop off the list. |
1425 | Windows-Games | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
1426 | Windows-Management.com | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. Windows only. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1427 | Windows7Download | Windows only. They require software for Windows 7. |
1428 | WindowsDevelopment.com | Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. Windows only. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1429 | WindowsManagement | Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. Windows only. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1430 | WindowsManagement.com | Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. Windows only. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1431 | WindowsPedia | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. Windows only. Site is in German. |
1432 | WindowsShareware.com | Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. Windows only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1433 | WindowsToolkits.com | Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. Windows only. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. Development Tools and Components for Windows. |
1434 | WinFilez | You must set up an account and login with a password. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
1435 | Wingadgets.com | Only software sold via RegNow/Plimus/eSellerate etc. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1436 | WinLoad.DE | You must set up an account and login with a password. Site is in German. They require to send contact form. |
1437 | WinoWin | You must set up an account and login with a password. Windows only. Site is in German. |
1438 | WinPCApp.com | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1439 | WinPCWare | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
1440 | Winpeaks | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1441 | WinSite | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. |
1442 | Winsoftware.DE | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. You must manually retype some of the fields in the PAD. Site is in German. |
1443 | WinSoftwares.com | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
1444 | Winx32.com | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1445 | Wireless Developer Network | Does not use PADs. You must fill in a form. Software for PALM only. Windows only. |
1446 | World-Software-Archive.com | General shareware. |
1447 | WorldSofting | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1448 | Wsdcent.com | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
1449 | x64BitDownload | 64-bit software only. |
1450 | X64Downloads | You must set up an account and login with a password. 64-bit software only. |
1451 | XDownload | You must set up an account and login with a password. Site is in English and Italian. |
1452 | Xentrik | Malformed URL. May use JavaScript to update parameters. You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1453 | XP Archive DE | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. Site is in German. |
1454 | XYDownload | You must select a proprietary category for the PAD. |
1455 | YankeeDownload | General shareware. |
1456 | YaoDownload | Cannot find PAD submission page. Submit your PAD via email. |
1457 | Ye-Soft.com | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1458 | Yildun.com | The site is parked and/or for sale. |
1459 | YourFreeFiles.com | General shareware. |
1460 | YourNextDownload.com | Not responding. This site seems not to be alive. |
1461 | Z-Down | General shareware. |
1462 | ZeeSoftware | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1463 | ZipsLand | You must type a captcha or validation code to prove you are not using automated software submission. A backlink from your website to theirs is required. |
1464 | Znsu | You must set up an account and login with a password. |
1465 | Zonator.com | General shareware. |
1466 | ZoomLoad.com | The site is parked and/or for sale. |