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Hephaistos first run

In the directory where the Hephaistos client is installed you can find batch files for starting the client :

  • hephaistos.bat for MS Windows systems
  • for Linux based systems

When you invoke appropriate batch file for the first time, application appears on the screen but it displays an error message:

ERROR: Cannot connect server.

This is because the Hephaistos client does not know server IP address and port.

You have to go to the menu Help / Configuration and to set the properties in the dialog that appears. Then restart the application.

Note: informations about server IP address, port and possible proxy server you can obtain from your network or application administrator.

Password change

When a client successfully connects to the server, two actions are invoked:

  • client application is autoupdated
  • user is prompted for login and password

For new user is login created by enterprise manager and password is exactly the same as a login. User should change this password as soon as possible. He or she can do it in menu Help / Change password.

Administrator access

When you have installed server and first client and you try access application for the first time, there is one user created by the system:

  • login: Administrator (please note the upper case for the first letter)
  • password: Administrator (exactly the same as the login)

Administrator is a common user, you can change its name, login and it is strongly recommended to change its password. This user has checked property Enterprise manager, so he / she can create new users. But any of these users can have checked the property Enterprise manager, and user Administrator need not to be used anymore.